
I'm not much of a writer or artist or comedian or thought-provoker, but one fateful night I decided that this might be something fun. I don't really expect it to lead anywhere, but if you are one of few reading this, I hope that you stay around and enjoy my postings!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Who the Hell Called These Guys?

No one is perfect, I understand that much.
Everyone has their faults.
Very few people in this world have the kind that make them feel as though they have no faults.
Even though this is a fault in and of itself.
Remember, you are not perfect. 
Going on living your life as though you are, does not make it so.
One day, you will find your calling in life.
No one can do what you will be able to do. You will be different from everyone else.
No one can stop you from doing what you love.
A truly happy, yet imperfect individual can lead a nearly perfect existence.
Generation upon generation will go on thinking they have no calling in life, or wonder what that calling is.
I, for one, believe that we each have something to give that no one else can.
Viewing yourself as 'Someone with no future' is meaningless.
Everyone just has to make the decision as to how their future is determined.
You see, you can be whoever you want to be.
Open mind, open world. You can do whatever you want.
Unrealistic goals aside, you just have to put in the effort.
Unrealistic goals may be a possibility someday, but humor me for now and listen to me-
People will always need you around. Don't ever consider giving up because you think you aren't needed
Nothing can stop you once you accept the simple fact that nothing in life is perfect.
Everyone will set their standards too high at some point. But life happens.
Very few people find this calling in a short period of time.
Everyone goes at their own pace, but it always comes.
Remember- You are who you choose to be.
Go on doing your normal routine, you'll find it without trying, most likely.
One day, you'll have a lightbulb go off.
No, it won't be obvious.
No, it won't be easy.
At first, you may experience doubt.
Leave all these thoughts behind. You only work as hard as you're willing to.
Everyone has their own capacity for work, but you can do this.
Tell everyone else to "screw off, don't get in the way of my dreams!"
Yup, you  can do it.
Over the rainbow!  That's what you're shooting for.
Under the rainbow, eh. That's where the gold is, I guess....
Darn. Now I dunno what the hell to do with the rainbow.
Oh well, screw rainbow metaphors.
We'll get through this together! :D You have me.
Not in person, mind you. I don't swing that way.
Now I feel like I'm rambling. I'll be done in a minute.
Eh... What was I saying? Oh, right.
Very many people have faced criticism for doing what they wanted.
Even famous artists, actors, directors, you name it.
Really, this is getting long and tedious, and I can't take it anymore.
Going on with this post is torturous, isn't it?
One minute I talk about dreams, then goals, then rainbows.
No one really cares, right?
Nor do I expect you to read all this.
All I care about is one thing.
Really. That's it. One thing.
Unless of course, you've noticed it by now.
No... I've been too careful.
All I've been doing, since I started this blog....
Really, I've been plotting....
Only for this moment.
Ultimate chaos in one, true form.
Nothing in history compares to this.
Despair. Destruction. Deception.
Bah, screw it. I can't take it anymore. Do me a favor? Go back and read the first letter of every new line. I'll be back with a less lazy posting before the end of the month!
-Mr. Fox